Гы-гы, чтобы понять и вкурить какой-нибудь фанфик нужно его поолностью прочитать, ну по крайней мере мне хД если это хороший фанфик, конечно) А вот чтобы понять и вкурить какой-нибудь фанфик, написанный там... фикрайтером из Бразилии, мне хватает буквально пары фраз из фика x'D не-не, при этом фик остаётся хорошим))))
то ли дело в моей лени переводить всё блаблабла, то ли диалоги слишком понятные, то ли привыкла я к запутанным диалогам со смыслом "я тебя люблю!" но фразами "налей мне чай!" XDDDне буду я переводить, что вы, нет
- Kamijo... - The blonde said sheepishly, trying to break the silence. - Please... Do not laugh at what I say...
The other nodded, with a "never mock you" did Hizaki blushing slightly. He spent staring at the grass, as if this was the most interesting thing in the world, pressing lightly the lace dress.
- I... I like you... More than like... A friend... I... I love you, Kamijo...
Hizaki felt a knot forming in his throat. Deep breath and continued with his head down, knowing that if he looked into the eyes of the boy, ran away in tears. He waited for the worst, for a "no" dry and cold, but he received was much better than this: a "Yes".
- I love you too, Hizaki...
The blonde felt his heart beat faster to hear the "I love you too", but ... The knot in his throat grew and he turned into tears. Tears of sorrow... I could not be happening, not... The makeup was smearing it, while the water down her cheeks.
- I love you... You love me... This is good. But... It will not work...
- Why, milady Hizaki? I do not understand... Already promised to another?
"Milady"... "Promised"... The pronunciation of words as did Hizaki, who had joined and was a little, back to collapse in tears. He saw it as a girl! Could not be...
- I AM A MAN, Kamijo! I... So as you man... That's why...
It seemed Hizaki faint at any moment. She moved away a bit, going to sit on a wooden bench (like those we have in parks, dear readers). He leaned his elbows on his legs, hiding her face with her hands weeping. It was his end... His life was just there, his world collapsing slowly, painfully... Kamijo certainly would have disgusted him, and do atrocities in revenge... Or become extremely cold... Oh, how her heart ached... He would love to disappear from the earth forever...
- Your lovely stupid...
The blonde stopped crying. He pulled his hands wet with the face to be surprised by a Kamijo sitting next to her and handed her a handkerchief. The insured, but did nothing. He looked visibly surprised him with red eyes and make-up staining his cheeks stained.
- I knew his secret since the first time that we both speak. - The guy started talking - You had a voice hoarse, his chin had different, broader shoulders than the other young ... But I did not care, not a... I kept visiting. And when I was in love with you, man. At first, I was wondering if this was correct, but I could not pretend it did not feel anything... You are charming, Hizaki... And I love you, even if such a man as I...А ещё мне во всех фиках, что я нахожу на ДА,
а их я пока только там и нахожу, нравится то, что... ещё ни разу там не было описания "обычной" жизни oO То есть репетиции-концерты-дома-кафе-блаблабла, нигде ещё не видела О_о везде только принцы, принцессы, короли, платья, кружева, замки, вампиры~~~ ах~
нам есть о чём задуматься xD Ну даже если и еееесть что-то такое, то без отрыва от образов, и Камиджо остаётся прынцем Камиджо сойдя со сцены и отправляясь домой. *xDD* Вооот...
странный такой пост, на самом деле хотела сюда только картинку повесить ^^ а теперь - картинка для того чтобы не было так серо и скучно =)